Analyzing the Prime Pattern of the Encad NovaJet 880

Last Updated: December 03, 2007


You want to know what is the prime pattern from an Encad NovaJet 800 and what is it telling me?


The Prime pattern can be printed by going through the menu structure of the printer under UTILITY MENU > Prime MENU > Prime ALL.

The pattern that prints represents a jet-by-jet analysis of the cartridge. When you view this pattern, you are only interested in the grid portion of the pattern. Each column of the grid portion has a number underneath that column; that is the jet number.

A perfect Prime pattern shows a diagonal line going from right to left that have no breaks in that line. You may need a blue light to see the yellow better.

If you see rectangular blocks, those jets are classified as Electrically Failed Jets. If you see a column that is missing a line, that jet is classified as a Clogged Jet. If you see a column where the line is above or below where it should be, that jet is classified as a Misdirected Jet.