PHP Function |
Description |
addslashes() |
Add backslashes (\) in front of each character that needs to be quoted in a database query. |
base_convert() |
Converts a number between two bases. |
crc32() |
Generates the cyclic redundancy checksum (CRC) of a given string. |
crypt() |
Calculates the hash of a string using the standard Unix DES-based encryption algorithm. |
decbin() |
Takes an integer (base-10) and converts it to a binary (base-2) number. |
decoct() |
Takes an integer (base-10) and converts it to a octal (base-8) number. |
dechex() |
Takes an integer (base-10) and converts it to a hexadecimal (base-16) number. |
dns_get_record() |
Fetches the DNS resource records associated with the given hostname. |
htmlspecialchars() |
Convert special characters to HTML entities. |
lcfirst() |
Converts the first character of the input string into a lowercase letter. |
md5() |
Calculates the MD5 hash of a string using the RSA Data Security, Inc. |
openssl_encrypt() |
Encrypts data with the algorithm and key you provide. |
openssl_decrypt() |
Decrypts cipher/encrypted data. |
openssl_get_cipher_methods() |
Returns the cipher method available on a server that can be used. |
preg_match() |
Performs regular expression match. |
sha1() |
Calculates the SHA1 hash of a string. |
str_word_count() |
Returns the number of words of a given string. |
strlen() |
Returns the length (number of characters) of a given string. |
strip_tags() |
Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string. |
stripslashes() |
Returns a string with the backslashes (\) removed that were added by the addslashes() function. |
strrev() |
Returns a reverse order of a string. |
strtolower() |
Returns a string with all the alphabetic characters of the input string converted to lowercase. |
strtoupper() |
Returns a string with all the alphabetic characters of the input string converted to uppercase. |
ucfirst() |
Converts the first character of the input string into an uppercase letter. |
ucwords() |
Returns a string with the first letter of each word in the input string converted to uppercase. |
urlencode() |
Encodes a string to be used in a query part of a URL. All non-alphanumerica characters (except hypens, underscores, and periods) are replaced with percentage (%) signs followed by a two-digit hex code |
urldecode() |
Decodes the query part of a URL string. |