Online Text & String Formatting Utilities
Text & String Formatting Utilities

Use this free online tool to format and convert your text string using the following methods. Type in or copu-and-past your string in the textbox below and click on the utility button the matches your need. The conversion result is shown below.

  • Lowercase - Convert all characters to lowercase. This utility uses the PHP strtolower function.
  • Uppercase - Convert all characers to uppercase. This utility uses the PHP strtoupper function.
  • Character Count - Counts the number of characters, including spaces, in your string. This utility uses the PHP strlen function.
  • Word Count - Counts the number of words in your string. This number may differ from what may be expected as word boundaries between "words" is not always a space. This utility uses the PHP str_word_count function.
  • UC First - Convert the first letter of your string to uppercase. All other characters are not affected. This utility uses the PHP ucfirst function.
  • UC Words - Convert the first letter of each word to uppercase. All other characters are not affected. This utility uses the PHP ucwords function.
  • Reverse - Reverses the position of each character. First character becomes the last. Second character becomes second to last. This utility uses the PHP strrev function.
  • Reverse Words - Reverses the position of each word. First word becomes the last. Second word becomes second to last.


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